Speaking, listening and speaking again! Whether it is a one-on-one class or it is a group, an on-line or a face-to-face class,
mainly focus the classes on speaking and listening activities in a very dynamic way through videos. study cases, articles from business newspapers or audios.
Come in and join our student Patricia! The class is about to begin!
Our teacher Michael is ready to take notes regarding Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Grammar
Let´s start the class! I leave you with Michael and Patricia. Good luck!
Speaking > Warm up. Small talk (10 min)
Michael: "What did you do this last weekend Patricia?", "Any interesting news lately?", "What was the weather like?"
Michael gives feedback on vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar (i.e. , at the weekend NOT in the weekend, right use of the past tenses and words like " to set off" (to leave) or "siblings" (brothers and sisters)
Speaking > Topic of today. Team Building (15 min)
Michael: "Do you prefer to work individually or in a team? Why?", "What 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages can you see in working in a team? Why?"
Michael gives feedback (i.e., a new word "milestone" as a big progress, the use of would like + to + infinitive)
Michael: "Look at the chart. What answers would you give for every column? Why?"